A rise from first home buyers
Ortus (meaning ‘rise’ in Latin) offered a mix of smaller allotments and townhomes. The identity was inspired by a sunrise, representing the promise of new beginnings that aligned perfectly with the hopes and ambitions of first home buyers.
Cranbourne, VIC
Blue Ocean Developments
40 townhomes

The good idea
Find the market within the market. With the smaller product offers of Ortis, first home buyers would clearly be the primary audience. But within that segment, Sense identified a niche market of young families that grew up in or near Cranbourne, loved the location and wanted to continue living there.

The great work
We positioned Ortus as a boutique infill estate. The brand narrative focused on the benefits of building new within familiar surrounds and with minimal disruption to lifestyle. As an additional benefit, buyers at similar life stages helped to promote a tight-knit community.

Drilling down into a broad market to find genuine buyers can pay dividends.