Balmoral Quay
A premium waterfront development sets sale
Sweeping bay views from these exclusive, luxuriously appointed, family-proportioned townhomes were enough to command premium prices. The option of home-fronted jetty births in a new, state-of-the-art marina only added to the allure. The key was attracting the right buyers.
Rippleside, VIC
Gersh Investments
80 townhomes

The good idea
Cater to an exclusive market. Sense identified a growing high net value empty nester segment searching for waterfront luxury who weren’t prepared to forego space. With local interest in Geelong, and Melbourne buyers looking for a sea change, Balmoral Quay catered to a select audience that expected an elevated brand journey.

The great work
Balmoral Quay presented a discerning image worthy of a boutique development by the water’s edge. High-quality finishes applied equally to the product and its marketing, selling family-sized homes to a targeted audience, ensured high demand.

Know your market and build your brand accordingly.